About this Blog
2010 was a year with more than its fair share of downs for my husband and I. We got through it, but by the end of it we decided a change was in order. We planned on leaving Liverpool where we had met one another and move closer to family. In January 2011 I decided to start this blog to record my last few weeks/months in the city and to provide a more personal link back to the friends who we would be leaving behind.
By March we had made a complete u-turn. He had a good job, and employment prospects elsewhere weren't looking particularly great for either of us. We decided to stick around for longer and opt for security. My blog changed from a recording of life in Liverpool for posterity and a link to friends into a more ambiguous personal blog.
Nowadays it's used as everything from a weight loss diary to a sounding board when something ticks me off to a personal development journal. But then again, aren't some of the best blogs out there just the same? I've found keeping this blog an endless source of amusement, enlightenment and light hearted relief. Unlike many wonderful bloggers out there I never took myself for a writer, but in this case I find it quite addictive!
About me
I was born in a town by the beautiful River Wear and grew up in a smaller town further downstream amongst the picturesque rolling hills of County Durham.
I moved to Liverpool to attend University where I met some of my nearest and dearest. Not least of all was a guy called Ben who asked me to marry him, so I said yes. A year and a half after I dropped out of University we tied the knot at the little church over the road from our flat.
Life's had its share of ups and downs and I find myself now working part time whilst I try to scrape together enough cash to take me back to University and enough voluntary experience in the field I'm interested in to try and forge the beginnings of an actual career out for myself. At the same time, I'm battling with a lifelong weight issue and the woes that PCOS bring including, most heart breakingly, infertility.
When I'm not at work, ChildLine, grabbing coffee with my best friends or working said coffee off at the gym I entertain myself by training myself to be a good housekeeper (though I'm sure I'm failing at this!) and with various arts and crafts. Ben, a shameless film fan, keeps complaining about the fact that I haven't seen this film or that film, so I'm trying to expand my list of films I've seen, along with books read, which also tends to take up a goodly ammount of my time.