My husband, other wise known as "Bendana" thanks to his one time love and adoration of the bandana, but usually just called "Ben" to those who know and love him best (and all kinds of terrible, terrible things by my good self) once suggested that I should guest write an article on his blog. I can't remember what the subject of said article was, but I recall that he was sat at the computer, tap tap tapping away whilst I hurled abuse at the TV, most likely at some crap Richard Dawkins was peddling (God? Oh No!) or something Panorama was mouthing off about (Video Games? Oh No!) and whatever it is I was ranting on about impressed him sufficiently enough to have him offer up this generous suggestion.
And I graciously declined, for in my head is contained so many many rants like that. I could write a whole blog about each and every one of them. I didn't want to steal his thunder! And I've had so many many ranty blogs and journals and diaries before now, in one form or another. Facebook is full of my rantings. Twitter is full of my ravings. I had to destroy my old LJ with fire. I litterally did destroy an old paper log with scissors and... things (I had no garden so I couldn't fire it up :p)
So I thought would be nice to make a none ranty, none passive aggresive blog for once in my life. Waiting for the right time to do it, I waited and waited but it never seemed appropriate. I even complained to Ben that it would be quite an impossible task. He said;
"Blogs aren't meant to be nice. They're meant to be depositorys of vitriolic hatred."
Well that just threw the gauntlet down. The challenge is set. Already on my first post I seem to be loosing!
But I digress. Welcome, I suppose, to "Adventures with Bex". It's got no real, grand academic purpose, but my life is going through some changes and I would quite like to document it. For posterity as much as anything else. Hopefully, if things go to plan, Ben and I will at last leave Liverpool and return to my very own home county of Durham soon (though it isn't really a return for Ben, who is from an actual 'home county', Kent) and so I figure now is a great time to do the things I haven't yet had the chance, time or incliation to do here on Merseyside and share it with you. Then, when I finally do go home, you can follow with much amusement no doubt our trials and tribulations of forging a new life for ourselves 'up north'.
But above all else, I'm doing it to prove Ben wrong. So from here on in it's all sunshine and daisies and no vitriolic, hate filled rants. Should I feel the inclination to rant, I shall simply do so on his blog ;)
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