Monday, 3 October 2011

Fire Up for Fall - Week Three

1 - What have you done this week to work towards your goals?

I've not lost any weight this week, and this goes hand in hand with not necessarily sticking strictly to plan, so there's two of my goals I've not stuck to. What can I say, I become weak willed when cooking goodies for friends (and I spent a goodly ammount of this week experimenting with pumpkin pie and all its glories so I could take some to ChildLine yesterday for our end of training mini party thing we a week and a half I'll be fully "graduated" from there! But I digress...) so the coming off of plan is mainly down to baked goods and also buffet goods. It was a one off affair and everyone cooked such lovely things. Am I starting to sound like I'm making bad excuses? Yes? Ah well tough cheese, it was lovely and I had a lovely time. I'm not phased by it, as I'm pretty sure I'll be on the losing team again by weigh in day (which would be Friday) and all of my other goals (the water, the new eating habits, the working out and the remaining positive about this and not just giving up at the first sign of trouble) are pretty much all hunkering along according to plan!

Oh yeah, and we finally booked our gym induction, this Wednesday, can't wait :D

2 - What have you done to make yourself feel fabulous?

Over the course of the past week I've had a mini assessment at work, mentored/assessed shifts at ChildLine, extra training days, shopping to do for Xmas and as I mentioned, made yummy baked goods for our end of training party. So I spent a day on Thursday sat firmly on my bum just relaxing and taking some time to smell the roses. As much as during the last challenge I wanted to combat that particular behavioral problem it seems to me now like its a luxury to grasp on to!

3 -  Where do you see yourself in five years? What are your goals? Ambitions?

I would hope I've lost enough weight by then to regain fertility or qualify for fertility treatment. I hope I'll either be a fully qualified counselor or well on my way to qualifying (working through the many hundreds of hours of  'practise' you need to do before qualifying). Maybe we'll have got off our bums and moved somewhere else, like an actual house with actual space.

4 - Give us a tip or fact. About anything, what is something great you've heard that everyone should know?

Uuuuhhhhh. My mind goes blank now. Apparently 50% of cavemen were left handed. That's interesting. Not that it's something considerably useful to know, but it's interesting...

5 - What's your most recent dream that you can remember

From last night, it involved running through an appartment building. Not sure why. I have a lot of being chased  dreams. The other night I was being chased by a chinese dragon that was made out of flimsy planks of wood all hinged together. Go figure!


  1. My son is a lefty, clearly has caveman tendencies lol!

    Hope you enjoy the gym. It's a really amazing feeling to get all sweaty like that!

  2. Good luck with your gym induction! Hope you enjoy it :)

  3. I love total rest days - some days you just need to let your body (and your mind!) recuperate!


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