Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happiness in 2012

Well they say to start the year as you mean to go in this case, productively!

I've signed myself up for two challenges this month. Well, one is for this month and the other is for the entire year. A year seems a long time to think about but when I think that this year I'll be celebrating my third (yes, THIRD!!!) wedding anniversary (holy cow, where did the time fly to?) a year really isn't that much.

The first challenge is from the wonderful Rebecca over at Weight Wars, who never fails to come up with wonderful ways of keeping us challenged and motivated! This year she's going back to basics and offering up a little pearl of wisdom of what really helped her to get into the right place to start losing weight the right way. I'm not going to go into too much detail about what it entails and why here because you can find out all about the Happiness Project over at her blog, so if the following lists confuse you and you really need to know, go check it out!


Happiness Project 2012: My own personal guiding principles in life
  1. Remember that small victories add up into big victories
  2. Eat well 
  3. Make time for friends
  4. Enjoy what you do
  5. Just because someone else thinks it's a drag doesn't mean you have to!
  6. Go forth and be creative
  7. Always have some kind of goal to work towards; if the big one seems unachievable, make a smaller one to get you on the way
  8. Actions make things happen, so just go and do it!
  9. Don't change your priorities just because someone else thinks you have them all wrong
The rules of adulthood
  1. The best way of building trust and reaping the rewards is to fulfill your responsibilities, whether those be to your boss or to your friends
  2. Friends can be just as important as family
  3. Sleep is a precious commodity
  4. You have to give to others before they will give to you
  5. Some people are poisonous to you and need to be cut from your life for your own benefit; but remember that to someone else they are more precious than diamonds
  6. Treat everyone as an individual who is the result of their own, unique experiences; their outlooks, relationships and priorities are not the same as yours, but their feelings and needs are no less valid
  7. You must respect yourself if you expect anyone else to
  8. A year can make a world of difference
January Resolutions - Vitality
  1. Get to bed no later than eleven
  2. Eat your meals regularly
  3. Get to the gym twice a week
  4. Make a to do list each day and stick to it
  5. Get back into the chores routine
Challenge number two is a little less introspective than this...a playful, light hearted challenge in which you take a photo a day. Sadly for you guys, the first photo is a photo of me, and today I have bummed around doing nothing in particular and generally feeling delicate and sorry for myself after last nights frivolities. For this reason, I've kept it till last. Happy new year!



  1. Great commandments to keep in mind - and I totally agree with #5 on your Rules of Adulthood, though I never thought about them being valued by other people ... it was good to be reminded of that :)

    Stopping by from The Happiness Project :)

  2. Number 5 (rules of adulthood) resonated a lot with me after some horrible times recently with one person it made me look at him differently.

  3. Sadly number five of the rules has popped its ugly head up on various occasions in my life, whether personally or from watching other friends and family go through it too. Still, I've always found that this is one of those negative sounding things that can always have a positive spin put on it in the long run :)


What do you think?