I love a good ominous sounding title, however todays post is not greatly ominous at all!
We had a great weekend, it was everything I wanted for Ben and more. I was worried that he might succumb to the blues, he would have been well within his rights to. However, I knew that my mission was complete, and completed very well too, when he turned to me yesterday after having gotten back from our second excursion from the cinema and told me it was the best birthday he'd had in a long time, despite the obvious reasons for it being a less than palatable occasion for him.
However, one part of his birthday celebrations has left me feeling terribly guilty.
As regular readers will know, Ben and I are fans of Formula 1 racing. Ben, unlike me, is one of those people who, when he is a fan of something, likes to know all about it; the history, the people, the politics. Many people are like this with music and their favourite bands, but Ben is like this with sport, and I am not really like that at all (Hey, I like this music, I shall listen to it. Hey, watching those people race cars is exciting, I shall watch it some more.)
So when he found out months and months ago that a documentary about Ayrton Senna was coming out on general release in the cinema, Ben jumped for joy and I died a little inside....I knew he'd want to go and see it, that he would be hard pushed to find anyone else to go with him, and he wouldn't go on his own.
He nagged and nagged me to agree to seeing it with him. And for a while I point blank refused. He pushed more, saying that with other movies he'd nagged me to see I'd ended up enjoying them. I replied "remember Transformers?" which he had nagged and nagged me to see with that same logic, only to have me fall asleep halfway through and start snorring.
Eventually, I came up with the ultimate in cunning plans. So cunning that it couldn't possibly fail. Yes, I would agree to go and see Senna at the cinema, if only he would come with me to see the next installment of Twilight.
He hates Twilight. I mean, he loathes it with a passion. It's not that it's particularly offensive to him as such. The books are bad, the movies are (somehow!) worse. It's the hype that surrounds it all which has him so put against it, and the general mutilation of Vampires and Werewolves which Meyer has managed to bring about. He hates it, and is very vocal about it. There was no way he was going to agree to seeing Twilight with me.
Oh how I underestimated how much he wanted to go and see Senna.
So we went yesterday. On Monday, his actual birthday, we went to see Xmen First Class, because we both wanted to see it and it was the only other chance we had of seeing it. This made me feel a little better towards Senna...it was like a good news sandwich...prequel it with Xmen, then watch Senna and fall asleep, but it's the cinema so ice cream and pop corn, fantastic. We ended up having the screen all to ourselves, and since this was the case I was fully intent on being rather immature and shouting "LET ME SEE YOUR BOOBS" every time a lady was on screen, cause, you know, he's already promised to be rather vocal at Twilight, when we know it won't be deserted.
Except, I made the joke once at the beginning and then shut up and watched the damn thing cause it was actually really really good. I even shed a single tear at the end when he (censored for spoilers lol). I mean, it was nothing like Harry Potter where I blubbed like a baby when Dobby (more spoilers lol) but only because of my immense self control.
So now I kind of feel really guilty about making Ben go to see Twilight when I know he's most definitely not going to like it.
However, I have the feeling that had Twilight been out before Senna and by some miracle of God, Ben had decided he was now Robert Patterson's biggest fan boy, he would still have expected me to go to see Senna, so I'm not letting him out that easily.
Perhaps I can trade it in for another favour. He'll have to make some proposals, let's see what he comes up with anyway.
By the way Ben, since I know you'll be reading this, you'll have to do this off of your own back. This is me offering it up to you, it's now up to you to come up with the goods.
Anyway, yes, Senna was very good, Xmen was also rather good (and I especially liked when Wolverine -spoilers-)
I'm just going to stop you right there and say that this leek and potato soup I'm eating right now tastes suspiciously of a cheese and onion pasty.
Anways, all good things must come to an end and now we're back to reality. Still, life is pretty good. Still no good news on the job front but I'm keeping on top of my search so that's something at least. I've a coffee afternoon coming up on Friday which I'm very much looking forward to, I have two tickets to the opening night of Harry Potter in a couple of weeks (yaaay!) and then over the first week of August the family will be paying a visit. So yes, still lots to look forward to over the next month and a bit ^_^
Till later folks!