So yeah, please don't hurt me for that! But, it's Friday and I'm in a darn good mood so I thought I'd come and share the happy with you all.
So what's been going on in the land of Bex this week? Well it's the end of the month and so there's not much to say about what I've done this week, but looking ahead there are some super duper things to look forward to.
The Spring Fever seasonal challenge over at Life's journey with a smile has just finished. I found out about it too late to partake, however the Beat The Heat challenge for summer is about to start at Weight Wars (to give the lovely hostess of Life's Journey the summer off!). I'm really looking forward to this, and I've used the time I've had on my hands to set the goals I'm looking to achieve over this summer. I'm not sure if they're a little conservative for ten weeks, but since I've never partaken in a challenge like this I didn't want to set myself up to fail! I'll publish them towards the starting date anyhow, expect to see, of course, more weight loss goals, day zero list shrinkage and more knitting!
Speaking of goals, and weightloss I set myself some mini goals a while back on My Fitness Pal. When I say a while back I mean it was pretty much my new years resolution. I ended up scrapping the whole lot of them because I was failing so miserably at the beginning of this year at keeping any handle on the weight loss. Anyhow, as you know I recently kicked myself up the arse, stopped going to see that damned dietician and started tracking my long term eating habits myself, under my own system based on the basic scientific principle of fewer calories in over the long term = greater weight loss, as opposed to the principle of "just eat baked beans on toast".
And no, I'm still not over that.
Anyway, after kicking myself up the bum I decided to reinstate my goals but based on the time available to me now that we're halfway through the year (well, almost halfway, at the time) and I've just, as of this very day, hit my first goal! Three whole weeks ahead of schedule!
Monday is my lovely one's Birthday so this weekend we're going to have a happy fun filled time. Ben isn't a sociable bunny, so we've basically scheduled in a couple of rounds of drinks with some friends on Monday, and the rest of the weekend is dedicated to shopping (for him! Ok and a little bit for me too...but mostly him!) Formula 1 (European GP coming from Valencia) and the cinema to see X-men Origins AND Senna, because we just couldn't choose between the two. But the Senna trip puts me firmly in line to have him accompany me to see Twilight in November, so I suppose he's signed his own death by Sparklepire warrant.
Speaking of the cinema, the second installment of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is released in July. The 15th, to be precise. And I fully intend to be there on opening night! Still, I have to wait until tomorrow before I can book the tickets and I'm just looking at the serious lack of seats already...I hope there are some seats left at a reasonable time!
Not that the time got in the way for part one, if needs must needs must, and I will go to a midnight showing if I have to! But I'd rather not...
Anyhow. Yes, the more distant future still brings more things to look forward to, but right now I'm buzzing about this exciting, relaxing and happy birthday weekend Ben and I are about to share together, and so because I'm bouncing off the walls with glee I'm linking up with Joelle for happy hour this week.
Hope wherever you are, you've got a fabulous fun filled weekend ahead too, and lots of amazing plans for the summer!
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