Thursday, 30 June 2011


Nothing much to report today...except that tomorrow is the first of July, and I have decided to participate in NaBloPoMo again, since my blogging juices seem to have dried up a bit. The theme this month is swimming, which isn't exactly fantastic for myself since I cannot swim and indeed fear the swimming (perhaps I drowned in a past life because by all means being fat as I am I should be able to float better than anyone!).

It's my second stab at NaBlo, and the first time since the reins were given over to BlogHer (which I've no experience of but seems not to be the kind of community I'd otherwise be a part of) so we'll see how it goes...and see if the prompts are any more regular and blog inspiring that they were back in February!

Beat the Heat challenge starts on Monday and I'm looking forward to it...I've just recieved the reminder email with the first weeks questions etc, so before that gets lost somewhere in the vast crampedness that is my inbox I should probably be pre emptive and start a draft ready for Monday (just like I've been pre emptive and started on some of my goals...but only because I was bored and didn't want to wait!)

Anyway, yes, this month is all set to be a busy blogging month, and I am looking forward to it!


  1. I look forward to a month of posts :D

  2. Hey Bex! Thanks for dropping by my blog. I loved what you said about not apologising for what I write about and I really appreciate the visit! Looking forward to a great month of blogging ~ hope to be back soon!


What do you think?