Saturday, 18 June 2011

It's bent

This, ladies and gentlemen, is a bent pyramid:

It was built by a Pharaoh by the name of Snefru. It's rather perculiar shape is thought to be down to a change of heart halfway through construction as opposed to original design...perhaps the original angle of inclination was too steep and was showing signs of structural damage, or perhaps it is suggested that the old Pharaoh was nearing the end of his days and so the structure was hastily changed to a gentler gradient that would be quicker to complete.

What has this got to do with anything, you may ask? Well, I finally finished my hat and...

Not that I'm as awesome as a Pharaoh or anything, but don't you think it kinda looks like a bent pyramid? With that ridge there that I made by mistake? Just don't look at the back, it comes to a halt a good few inches before it hits the seam!

But overall, despite its bentness and the fact that it looks like a tea cosy for a cylindrical teapot when it's not being worn, I think it is a fine first attempt at knitting!

Please forgive the mess behind my hubby, our clothes horse has decided to give up the ghost and will no longer stand up on its own so since we've still got clothes to dry between now and pay day we've taken to wedging it up in between the wall and any heavy objects that are of sufficient size, in this case my Gran's old sewing machine that I've yet to get around to repairing the pedal of and a box full of already dry laundry.

In other news, you may or may not have noticed but look at the little badge in the side bar says eight...yep yep I think I've finally managed to crack my willpower into submission once again! Once it says 17 lb's lost I'll have lost everything I lost when I first started trying to seriously loose weight last Summer but then put back on again, and I'll be on proper loosing territory again. I'm very much pleased with myself and have celebrated with PIZZA!

But don't worry, I'm still under my calories ^_^

Finally, some more good news, I've had an email from ChildLine and they are apparently now in the process of getting in touch with my referees so I can only assume that they found what I wrote about myself satisfactory and fingers crossed my referees will say how wonderful I am and I'll be in for an interview and then I can start training. BUT that is of course jumping the goose a bit. For now, it seems to be progressing well so touch wood it continues to do so :)

Till next time!


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