Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Autumn 2011 has arrived...

At the changing of the seasons, there is always a day when I go outside, and the scent of the new season hits me in the face. The next day it might go back to boring old whatever you're in at that time...but then a couple of days later, bam, again, that scent, that feeling of the new season coming in. At work we've been joking that September came along and autumn began on the very first day, as it has certainly been blustery and autumnal since the off. However it was this morning that it really hit that autumn is here.

Yesterday we were blown about by the tail end of Hurricane Katia (though unlike my homeland of Co. Durham, we here in Liverpool were somewhat sheltered from the worst of it, probably by the fact that it's a city with buildings for blocking wind!) and all through the evening and into the night I listened to the wind howling through the narrow streets around about here, turning them into massive musical instruments, God sized whistles if you will. And then I woke up this morning, the wind still blowing, the air fresh and crisp, and the sun beaming down from between and behind great big fluffy clouds.

Just like this, but with less tress, picture from the bbc
I haven't even been outside yet, I've been doing my homework for ChildLine tonight and catching up on some housework that's fallen behind, but I can smell it from in here, which is a new one to me. Usually it is most definitely an outdoors phenomenon. But I can't wait for my walk from the bus stop later on; I go through a very tree full area and I can't wait to see if the leaves are turning yet (though perhaps it's a bit early for that?)

In the meantime I'm looking forward to all the autumnal activities that are coming up; Halloween and Bonfire night (although I probably won't be attending the bonfire festivities as they can get a little rowdy for my liking here in Liverpool!) are the main ones, but also the pulling out of wooly jumpers and fluffy scarves, hot chocolate coming back onto ones personal menu...and then of course I spied a recipe for Pumpkin Pie in this months Weight Watchers magazine which is only 25 points in total (so something nice to make and share between friends...or eek out for myself!) and since I've had a bit of an obsession with finally getting the stuff to actually make a pumpkin pie for the past couple of autumns (but having never gotten round to it) I shall certainly be giving this relatively low calorie recipe a go.

Ok I admit it, one of my major reasons for loving autumn is the cuisine!

And soon after will be winter and Christmas will be on the cards. Is it any wonder that so many people say that autumn is their favourite season? All that anticipation of the festivities to come and the wonderful sights and smells in store for us. I love it. Absoloutely, whole heartedly feeling in my element with it!

Hoping you are enjoying the first signs of autumn wherever you may be (unless you are in the southern hemisphere of course, in which case enjoy the first few signs of spring!)


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