Friday, 16 September 2011

Looking forward...

To alleviate the hot and heavy deep introspective themes that have permeated into my blog of late, here is something a little mor light hearted; some things I'm looking forward to!

Christmas (it's only 100 days!)

Christmas shopping (starting soon!)

This is why I love Xmas in Liverpool! {via}
 Brand new phone (coming on Saturday!)

Simply Be opening it's first high street store next week (I love me some clothes!)

Going to the Gym (Just need to get Ben kitted out!)

Going to Leeds (Just over a month to go!)

Going to see The Queen of Spades {via}
Pumpkin Pie (Gonna make my first ever one after pay day)

Christmas Cake (I'm making my own this year! No nuts!)

Loosing more weight (I'm down to 16lb's lost...from here on in it's uncharted territory!)

Pizza Tonight (Gotta love Weight Watchers!)

Amsterdam (Might be pushed back to April now...but still very much on the cards for next year!)

Such a pretty city ^_^
Girlie nights out (just gotta get them organised!)

Finishing my ChildLine training (and getting onto the phones by myself!)

Twilight (One of my many guilty pleasures!)

Skyrim (SQUEEE!!!)

NaNoWriMo (November is going to be busy...)



  1. Aw yeah, queen of spades is gonna be brilliant! I'll discuss the details later, but I might have to be getting an early train back.
    Also, I can't believe it's only 100 days till Christmas! Exciting, if a little bit scary. =P

  2. Pumpkin pie is so yummy, and really easy to make! I got really into pumpkin last year - I love pumpkin pie but the crust adds so many calories, so I got inventive and would mix it in with my oatmeal or with some beans or pasta so I could enjoy the flavor but still feel more full!

  3. Charlie - No problems with me, will catch you later or you can call when you're free or something. Or facebook. Or something...

    Kush - We got HTC Wildfires cause they were on special offer

    Mary - Only reason I'm actually making one this year trying to stick to plan is cause I found a recipe in Weight Watchers magazine...they use a couple of sheets of filo pastry for the crust so who knows what it's going to turn out like, but I've cooked other recipe's of theirs before and they've always turned out deliciously :)


What do you think?