Wednesday, 25 May 2011

The going be going!

Well from starting off so enthusiastically the whole blogging thing has fallen off the wagon hasn't it? Well, not so much as you would think. Through the end of April and most of May I've had a really bad downwards swing (I knew the absence of winter blues this year would come back to haunt me!) and poor Ben must be at his wits end with me. A mix of lack of funds and an anti social funk has had me pretty much house bound and I've had no physical or face to face human contact except with Ben and the people in ASDA. Which at the time didn't seem like a bad thing so much but now I'm looking back and realising that except for when I had to go to fetch my pills and my mother in law's birthday present (a quick, mad dash into town and back) and the weekly treck up to ASDA (which Ben has made me do by conveniently leaving the bank card at home so I have to go out!) I've pretty much not left the flat for a month, and I will go for a week or so at a time without so much as crossing the threshold. I know, it's really pathetic. It's something I have to break before it becomes a real problem.

As you can imagine, this leaves little to blog about. It's not that I've forgotten, it's not that "I have no life" because when I'm not in a funk I have a fine life indeed (in my opinion, given the circumstances and what not). It's just I don't want to bore you with blog updates such as "My sim gave birth today, I'm quite chuffed as this is the fifth generation and thus the oldest sim family I have ever created" or "Still waiting on a phonecall from x person/got another rejection/there's nothing to apply for wtf?" or "The TV/Internet/Xbox is becoming so boring" or "Cleaned the kitchen. Again. This time tomorrow it will require cleaning, again. The bathroom too. I'm just a paragon of domesticity."

However, today is different, I do indeed have something to say ^_^

Haha how bad does that sound? But anyhow. I wish to mention that despite me having practically been a recluse since my birthday, and having whinged about my weight and how fat I am near constantly on here, I've actually begun to loose weight again, so much so that I've started to show on my own scales! So just goes to show, my big rant last time about the dietician? Yeah I was so right :p Take your beans on toast and stuff them up your arse.

Of course I'm now facing the "Can I be a good girl while I'm away" dilema. Yes, once again we're jet setting off (we're such avid travellers) but this time to the sunny south for (as you may have guessed from the above mention of gift buying) my lovely mother in law's birthday. It's a big one but if I mention how big on the internet she may just skin me alive. Anyhow, being a big one there's going to be a party and, well let's face it my sister in law is possibly the most wonderous baker of cakes, muffins, biscuits etc etc that even if there wasn't a party...

I'm not too worried though. I'm taking some of the tools I've found so helpful and whilst I'm not intending to be on a strict diet whilst away I'll be able to keep up my good habits and come back and slide into normality without too much of a hiccup (it took me two weeks after I got back from my birthday to get back into the groove properly).

In other news, I've heard back from two of the three places I applied to volunteer with, one was just an acknowlegement letter, the other was a nice proper application form. A bit gutted about the other one that hasn't gotten back as it was a small, local thing that was relevant to me and quite appealing, but as it is indeed a local venture I'm going to try getting back in touch once we're home again if they haven't gotten back to me by then. It might be that they have all the volunteers they need but since I took the time to research it and write a lovely letter ( it would have made a very lovely letter) it would have been nice just to have an acknowlegment of reciept or something. If nothing comes good of it I'll head to the volunteer centre (which I discovered via the interwebs during my self imposed house arrest) and see what else here abouts may be requiring a willing pair of paws to help out.

That's all for now, I know it's pretty much 'yet another self centred rant' but hey, when there's some proper news I'll tell it! For now I'd better go and start my packing for tomorrow and possibly make some yummy noodles for lunch. Hope you're all safe and sound wherever it may be that you are :)


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