And by holiday I don't mean going to see his mother or mine, or do what we did on our honeymoon and stay in a b&b outside of the city for a couple of nights, but actually to get on a plane and jet set off somewhere away from here and away from everyone we know, away from responsibilities and realities for a couple of nights. You know. An actual holiday.
It started because, for some reason I don't recall, he was talking about something he read in the paper (I assume) about Amsterdam bringing in legislation to stop foreign drug tourists. I mean it must be bad for them...I personally can't remember the last time someone told me they were going to visit the place and they didn't mention going for "coffee and cake". But then again that may well be a reflection of the people I know.
Anyhow I jibed about how glad I was to have had the chance to taste "that side" of Amsterdam years ago and that we should make a quick getaway so Ben could experience it too. To which Ben, whether trying to be clever or not I don't know, said well, he didn't fancy that side of it at all (which is true) but he wouldn't mind going just to visit and see the sights.
This had two effects on me. The first effect was suspicion. I've mentioned going over a couple of times before because there are direct flights from Liverpool and so, more than anything else, it's cheap, easy and convenient. Also being that last time I was there (coming up to six years ago) was pretty much one big party...which is all very well and good up to a point...but now that I'm no longer 18 years old and have developed a taste for things other than those that come with the %vol on the label (and also can barely keep my eyes open past 1am anymore)...I actually want to go and see more...grown up things (come on now, drag that mind of yours out of the gutter, I want to visit some museums and ride on some cannal boats!). And, you know...would also like to be able to remember more than half of it...but until now, Ben has never shown any interest in it, and has seemed indifferent at best.
So anyway. The second effect was excitement. Does he really mean this? Might I be able to squeeze a holiday out of this? The answer was...yes! Ben turned around and said yes, we shall go on holiday!
This is a picture of Amsterdam, because it's not a valid blog entry without a picture! |
Anyhow, whenever we go (I don't think we'll be booking until we've saved up what we predict will be the hotel and flights cost plus at least half of what we decide upon for spending money) is irrelevant, I've managed to convince Ben to go and that is half the battle won :D Now we just have to save, and once I get a job (Oh God, please help me get a job!) it'll be even easier. Simples!
It's a blog entry now, he can't back out! :D Happy for you, Bex!