If there's something that pisses me off in the world it's the selfishness of certain (though not by any means all) country fucking bumpkins. They want all the privilege of modern life (and why not?) but none of the downfalls. They are the first to complain that the price of living their idealistic good life is much too expensive and the first to complain that services such as mobile phone coverage doesn't reach them in sufficient ammount. Oh, and also the first to complain when terrible eyesores such as phone masts and windfarms ruin the view they feel somehow entitled to.
Now this isn't an argument about whether or not Windfarms are better or worse for the environment, it's not a campaign for renewables because we're all on a sinking ship having been shot in the hull by global warming. It's about the economics of energy and self sustainability for the future.
I for one have no desire for the UK to be dependant on foreign oil and gas forever. For a start, as soon as push comes to shove, do we really believe that Russia and the Middle East are going to start selling valuable resources they need themselves when the wells start to run dry? What happens after, are we going to continue to buy all of our energy from Europe for example because we want a pristine landscape?
I'm not saying windfarms are the only answer. I'm not saying they should be, because they shouldn't. We've put all our eggs in the fossil fuel basket for long enough so we should know better from our past mistakes. But given the location and resources that we have here in the British Isles in abundance, free for the picking...let's not pretend that windfarms aren't going to play a big part in supplying our future energy needs. It's not just a matter of replacing our current dirty oil gas and coal burning power plants either, our population is growing. We need more energy.
So short of imposing a Chinese style restriction on families we really do need to start planning for the future. Sad thing is, apparently those who live in areas which are ripe for the picking are starting to get pissed off. I'm not saying I don't understand where they're coming from, but come on, we all need to do our bit here. They're happy to live off the juice of dirty power plants that other people have to live in the shadows of, happy for other people to live next door to nuclear power stations so long as they can watch TV and put their washing machine on without having to think about the danger (however slight) other people live by for their sake. Heaven forbid they have to look at a substation or a turbine. Good God what ever were we thinking, enforcing such a terrible fate upon these poor innocent country folk?
If you're wondering, I'm rambling on because Welsh weather woman Sian Lloyd was just on the BBC saying "Thank God the people of central Wales are finally waking up to the lunacy of windfarms"
Oh and let's now thank God preemptively that the people of Cumbria and Hartlepool and all the other places throughout the British Isles living in the shadow of nuclear wake up to the "lunacy" of nuclear and turn them off and the people of central Wales, now deprived of their wind farms and nuclear are left in the dark. Yes, let's thank God.
It's not that it isn't a shame that pristine landscape is affected by this, but if we want our modern conveniences without paying through the nose for it, wherever we are be that the Welsh valleys or the inner city, it's something we have to put up with to be honest. Everywhere that there is now a power plant (of any kind) was once pristine until we humans came along and trampled all over it. Why not, you know, just rip it all up and give it back to nature and live as our primitive hunter gatherer ancestors did?
No? No one wants to do that?
Well you could have fooled me the way you're making a fuss about windfarms.
That is all.
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