Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Beat The Heat challenge - Week Six

Appologies for being a day late this week, but I've been rather busy with work and family and friends and all kinds of wonderful lovely things!

Weight Wars

So onwards we go!

1.       What have you done this week to help you achieve your goals? 

To be honest this past week I haven't done an awful lot of anything in particular towards me goals. It's been very hectic and I'm still adjusting to my new routine. Not only have I got a new job but this week my training with ChildLine begins and I'm still getting my head around how to squeeze my life (for example, the weekly/monthly chores rota I came up with as part of my BTH challenge to keep up with my chores) around these new commitments.

Oh, but speaking of chores, remember this?

The corner of shame. Oh how shameful it was...

Well it is now this:

 There's actually SPACE! And see that artfully placed throw cushion? I'm getting domesticated I am...but seriousy, this is the first time since we moved in here that there hasn't been a load of crates jammed in there and overflowing with junk. We now have a suitase filled with the few books we can't fit on our shelves and everything is neat and tidy and stored away in a relatively organised manner. To put it bluntly, "I'm well chuffed" with that!

2.       What have you done this week to make you feel fabulous? 

Becky came over for a catch up. Which was lovely. It was fantastic to be able to have a friend over when the place wasn't full to bursting with rubbish, and also we shared some delicious pink champagne type stuff which was yummy, and who doesn't feel fabulous when sharing pink champagne with their best friend?

3.       Do you feel you get everything out of your life? Would you like to change things or are you happy where you are 

I'm not getting as much as I could have been by this point had life run smoothly and to plan. But what life does run to plan? The past couple of months feels like I've finally "woken up" and started doing stuff with myself. Given the circumstances, I think I'm squeezing about 80% of awesome from what I have to hand. What I want to change is gradually changing and just require us to work towards it for the time being.

4.       What’s your ultimate favourite food? Is it healthy? Can you make it healthy? 

Cheese. Or meat. Or meat and cheese collated in a great big pile of cheesy, meaty awesomeness. My meal tonight will be a home made spicy chicken calzone, which involves both cheese and meat (amongst other things!), and it will come to a mighty 663 calories. I think that's pretty healthy ^_^

5.       What do you want to be when you grow up? 

Haha, "when" I grow up? I doubt I'll ever reach that point in time!

As for my positive picture for the week...see above for my wonderful clean and tidy corner of shame! How more positive can you get? :D



  1. Fantastic corner! Any tips on keeping it like that (my usual fail)

    I'm now sitting here thinking 'ah, cheese' and wishing I hadn't put parsnips on my response. Stilton, Camembert, Leerdammer, I'm torturing myself here.....


What do you think?