Saturday, 6 August 2011

Six Word Saturday - Foodie Fail

I broke the weight loss plateau!

(In totally the wrong direction)

I knew I'd probably put on a couple of pounds this week but I didn't think I'd be back in "The Wii says I'm so fat it isn't even gonna weigh me let alone let me work out on it" territory. I'm not gutted or anything, there's various reasons, a couple above and beyond the simple "I ate like a pig last week". A little angry with myself because of course eating like a pig did have a lot to do with it though; I didn't need to get that slice of cake in Costa, I could have had fruit juice instead of hot chocolate at the zoo, I didn't have to order that second cocktail, I didn't need that large popcorn at the cinema, and when we were at pizza hut I could have probably skipped the starter since there is now unlimited free salad (which I did indulge in). There are more but these are to name a few.

Shoulda woulda coulda. But we also walked for miles each day, I pushed (with help) a rather heavy rusty car wheel accross wet sand ( later lol). I was up at the crack of dawn each morning raring to go and absoloutely exhausted when I went to bed each night. When it came to meal times I was famished. Perhaps the meals themselves could have been less calorific and healthier choices, but I was famished before each and every one. I ate because I was hungry.

Add the fact that (TMI time boys) that I had my first "visit from Aunt Flo" in oh...three...four years...and have lost 2 centimetres from my waist over the past two weeks despite the extra weight I've added (my hands and feet on the other hand....) and I'm not sweating over the weight gain. The important thing now is to make sure it comes off again, and that it doesn't happen yet again at the end of this month. To this end I'm going to make a pact that should I feel the need to "treat" myself at the end of this month for all my hard work in earning a pay cheque, it won't be with food but instead with lovely clothes or perhaps some of my favourite brand makeup (which is, by the way, Urban Decay...that was a hint to Ben for future reference) or perhaps I'll even go to the hair dresser and get my roots done or even go and get a manicure or something...ANYTHING but a takeout or a three course meal or tons of sweeties. I've managed to make excuses the past 6 months about why I've worked so hard at loosing 12 pounds then regained the lot. This month happened to be that my family were down. No more, I swear to God no more because I'm sick of seeing the same numbers going up and down over and over again.


  1. I almost wrote 'congratulations'.

    Hope you stick to your resolution :)

  2. I feel for you. I'd hoped to have at least maintained the weight loss I'd attained when My Beloved Sandra went away a few weeks ago, but no; apparently, left to my own devices, I try to fill my loneliness with food. Oy. I'm glad she's due back tomorrow. Cool Six.

  3. At least you can see the numbers going up and down instead of just up and up.

    Hang in there

  4. Going in the wrong direction is kind of deflating, isn't it? Oh, well, pick yourself up and start again. You can do it!
    6WS: School Starts Monday

  5. Take each day as it comes, get some exercise and eat healthy food you've worn yourself to a frazzle preparing. You will be as slim as a wraith.

  6. I totally understand, I was great on a WL plan, and then everything at home starting going amuck... not time to focus on me!

    Stopping by from 6WS

    Mom on Caffeine

  7. I hate yo-yo-ing with my weight. It gets tiring after a while.

  8. You're still trying, you're annoyed that your weight went (slightly) up, I think you're doing just fine.

    Don't be too hard on yourself, or you'll have no fun at all.

  9. Women and weight are a constant battle. You can not undo last week. Forget it. This is a new week. Make your goals for this week and work toward them :)

  10. Maybe you are gaining muscle mass! dont give up! Keep going, and dont be so hard on your self, scales are just squares with numbers attached to the! :)

  11. That bites :( (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)

  12. I hate the weight war. I've been on the losing end of it myself lately, by which I really mean the NOT losing. I'm so tired of excuses. But I'm so glad to hear you've lost some in the measurements even if the pounds aren't cooperating. The more muscle you add, the better your body will do at metabolizing so don't give up!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!


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