Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Fairy Charms!

So I mentioned yesterday how I'd finished my weightloss tracker bracelet, just a little something to wear, it's relatively heavy on the wrist and will be a subconcious reminder not to over indulge when there are, for example, biscuits around. It has 26 little holes for charms to be fitted, and so if I put a charm on for every seven pounds off of my top weight I lose (so every half a stone) I will have a bracelet full of charms when I reach my ideal weight. It is therefore also a great way to keep focussed on both short term and long term goals. Oh, my first charm is on of course, and if my performance on the scale this morning is anything to go by, come Friday I'll be adding my second one, a happy day indeed as despite my near constant "dieting" this past year, self sabotage has meant that first stone has been frustratingly out of grasp. A happy Friday it will be indeed if I can add that charm :)

 The one with the single Chrysolite and Amethyst charm is mine, and the one with the two Pearl and Chrysolite charms are for my manager. I was explaining the idea behind it last night, and she thought it was great and asked me to make one for herself. As she has less to loose than me she adds a charm for every five pounds lost (it was supposed to be three pounds but we both figured that was a bit much).

I love the charms,  I love how the Chrysolite flowers cup the round beads. I think they look like fairy hats or some such thing, hence why I call them my fairy charms! I have already used these charms in other pieces of jewellery that I haven't gotten around to finishing off (pendants needing chain etc) and I can see I'm going to have to invest in more of them come pay day!

Away from the happy happy (prepare for an emo rant and a half) I heard some news yesterday which...well it's happy for the person involved I'm very sure and part of me wishes said person all the best (scraping the barrel a bit, but I'm supposed to be a Christian and find such charity and graciousness from somewhere) but thanks to deep seated issues that would you believe it lead all the way back to my weight (Becky knows why and so I can be cryptic as I like and know that someone understands!) I shed a fair few tears in private after a brief public (As in, in front of close friends, haha, been a while since I actually cried in public!) outburst and it's made me seriously think not only about that but myself as a person. I can't believe how selfish, bitter, jealous and, well, generally unpleasant I still can be. I thought I'd gotten past that aspect of my personality, however we are all human and imperfect at the end of the day. Ben shrugs, all things come to those who wait, and says why should we even care. Well on the second point he does indeed have a point. Why should I care? Why indeed. Why doesn't mean bull though, because whether or not there is any good reason to do so, I do care.

The great thing about being so bitter, jealous and horrid in general is that when I feel this way, hell or high water generally doesn't get in my way of proving myself better (better probably isn't the right word in this case but you get the idea, the general concept) and so, like I said, since my particular problem relates back to the weight, I find myself even more reignited than I was yesterday morning. This mornings interim weigh in too has bolstered me and given me a magnificent morale boost. When I realised I was just a pound off of the stone loss, I think I actually did a little jump for joy. So in this sense, perhaps this bit of ugliness festering away inside my brain will blossom into something really positive in and for my life.

Enough of cryptic things though (feels good to get it off my chest still!). I'm hoping (fingers crossed that everything pulls off right) that tomorrow I will have something a little different for you to enjoy. So until then, MERRY TUESDAY!



  1. That charm bracelet thing is a GENIUS idea. I might have to rob the idea.

  2. Tuesday bells, Tuesday bells...

    The charm bracelets are awesome :D


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