Friday, 26 August 2011

I'm a monochrome work of art

Why yes I do realise this is a rather pompous and self important title, but it's true, and it pretty much sums up the most exciting parts of my day so far in an odd roundabout way!

First off, I did it, I bought a load of clothes just because, you know what, screw you hippies, I wanted to! Yes I got what I needed...mainly tights because I managed to rip holes in all of my other ones when I decided I wanted to grow my nails out again...and some new brassiers...but I also treat myself to some new black jeans because it's been years since I had a pair of black jeans and I already have a perfectly servicable pair of blue ones. I also got a black and white stripey t-shirt, partially because I think black and white stripes are simply the best...

Ben got Sky Sports which means I get more Newcastle!

...but also because they're very much in fashion at the minute and can be worn with my black jeans. Hear that? I'm fashionable! And then I topped it all off with a nice pair of earrings featuring black butterfly's. Mind you, I had gone in with the intention of getting something more colourful, but hey, like I said, black and white is fine by me!

As for the work of art, I got accosted by a very nice pair of young gentlemen on the bus stop while I awaited my busly chariot into town to do all of this shopping business. They were filming 30 second portraits of local people for an art installation that's going in a new community centre opening up in December on Townsend Lane. 30 seconds is really a very long time to be stood still grinning/grimmacing stupidly into a camera, but hey. I shall have to go in and see if I can spot myself when it's all opened up.

So yes, today I am a monochromatic work of art! And very happy too that I took the time to actually do something with my hair and face before venturing out, and wore my nice coat, because I wasn't going to ^_^;;

Also on my adventures today I treat myself to a mini organiser so that I can try to juggle all of my commitments when I'm away from the computer and haven't got my google calendar to hand, the augmented edition Deus Ex as a present for my Benjikins (last one in the shop because I'm a boss) a new bright red lipstick (It goes well with the black and white stripes look, you see) and a black eyeliner (because my other one was worn down to a stub!), a whole bunch of orange scented soap and a new folder for my ChildLine portfolio which is very much not monochromatic and is very bright and cheerful indeed.

Some would call it "Kawaii"
I could of course have bought out the entireity of Paper Chase's stock, but I don't think my pay would have stretched that far.

After my super duper shopping trip of awesome treatness I came home and joined Weight Watchers as planned, and so I shall hopefully be able to let you know how that goes. The interface isn't very well done I have to say, and they could use a few tips from MFP, however I think I'll probably get used to it. I'm going to stick to the plan like....sticky jacks stick to cardigans...and then if I'm not seeing any great improvement at the end of the 3 months I've bought myself I'm going to cancel and try the Just Slim plan that Rebecca over at Weight Wars has been raving about. That said, my sister in law announced today that she's lost 4lb at WW so it must be good for something! I just can't bring myself to believe my daily points allowance (54!!!!) considering I've been eating WW frozen ready meals that are only 6 points each. You never know, I may be under eating too much!

Anyhow, ciao for now my little bloggies. I've got to go and get ready for another evening at the work place. Thank God that next week I have all my days off and only one evening shift (I think!)


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