Wee bit wednesday (1)
{one} have you ever fainted?Once, when I was getting blood taken. My veins were, usually for that period in my life for some reason unknown to all, rather dry and not feeling too generous. I don't like needles, though a slew of hormonal tests over the past five years has toughened me up to them now. Back then it was a rare and horrific occasion. The nurse prodded and poked and twisted and squezed. Eventually she got a pump out to pump the blood right out of my arm! At this point I'd had just about enough and that was that.
{two} what is your favorite casino game?Never been to a casino.
{three} do you have a good sense of direction?Yes, although I will admit there have been a few times when it has failed me!
{four} laptop or desktop?I prefer the setup of a desktop but currently my laptop is the better of the two and I haven't even touched the desktop since the laptop came into our care at Xmas.
{five} what is your go-to hair style when having a bad hair day?Push back my fringe with a hairband and tie the ends back in a ponytail.
{six} do you read the newspaper on a daily basis?No, but I watch the 6 o clock news every day and usually have the beeb's news site on in the backround when on the internet.
{seven} do you have a favorite celebrity chef?Probably Jamie Oliver, though I think Gordon Ramsey is more entertaining.
{eight} what tv show would you like to make a guest appearance on?True Blood. I'd make an awesome Maenad.
{nine} do you have satellite radio in your car?Nope. I don’t have a car.
{ten} what was the last movie that made you cry?I watched "Anna and the King" yesterday while doing some repair work to Ben's rain coat. Can't count the number of times I've watched that film, and can't tell you how little of it I actually saw since I was concentrating on sewing in a straight line, but I still bawled like a baby when Princess Fa-Ying died, and again when the King asks her to dance at the very end and the voice over is all "yeah he's dancing with the woman he loves but she's just a teacher so they can't be together" *weep*
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