Monday, 7 March 2011

Day Seven - Your Zodiac Sign....

...and do I think it fits my personality?

"I'm Taurus the Bull and I'm really tough, I'm made of horns and hooves and stuff, I took Europa off to Crete, just because I think she's sweet" - some little rhyme I heard as a child. Couldn't tell you where I heard it or who wrote it though...

I'm Taurean. I can't say "I'm Taurus" because when I do, I inevitably think about that little rhyme. I don't know why but star signs seemed really important when I was very small. Every Saturday when we took my Gran her paper, we'd gather round the table and she'd "read our star signs" for us for the week out of said paper. We weren't being indoctrinated or anything like that, it was just a bit of fun. My mum and dad used tarot cards and visited psychics and all sorts at the time. I remember looking at a pack someone, my mum I think, had bought for my dad (I'm pretty sure it was my dad's anyway...the house we were living at the time I recall this would mean I'd have been no older than 8 years, so the exact details are pretty hazy) but I was so scared stiff of them. I'd been told in no uncertain terms that I could look at the pictures, but I was never, ever to touch tarot cards that did not belong to me unless I was having a reading, and I was much, much too young to have a reading done.

Yeah I have crazy psychological issues surrounding tarot cards :D

Anyway, I suppose it was inevitable that with mummy and daddy doing all this stuff, I really wanted to get in on the action too. Obviously I was, as said, much, much too young for tarot cards, so Astrology became my passion instead. I went through a stage of having to consult my scope every day before going to school.

Of course, nothing it promised ever really came true, but then I saw it in a much more litteral light as a child. If it says 'money is coming to you' on Saturday, and you don't get any money by bed time, then it pisses you off. Now I do still believe there's something to it, but I can see it through much more mature eyes. I still read my daily/monthly/weekly 'scope in magazines or online because it's fun to do so, but I see it as more as a tool for personal development and forseeing general trends than something to make absoloute assumptions about the future, or whether a couple is going to be a match. Indeed, the thing that a lot of people don't realise (and why would they, lets face it) is that "your sign" is just one dominant factor of your stars, and actually even to me, the thought of anyone making anything from that one little factor is completely laughable.

Anyway. My sign. Taurus. Is my personality a Taurean one?

As with everyone, I think some of the 'typical taurean' qualities, yes, I do possess. Just ask Ben how stubborn I can get. How much I love my food, love to be pampered, how much I hate change and just can't function if I don't have my routine, made by me, planned by me, and excecuted in my own good time. But just as there are some qualities I do possess, there are those that I don't. Reliable? Focussed? Organized?

Let's just say these are qualities I only wish in my wildest dreams that I possesed :D

Still, I think it's interesting how some of my more dominant traits are those traditionally associated with Taurus. Also, if I look at the people I keep around me, there are certain "coincidences" if you will...take this passage from good old Wikipedia for example...I first read this a few months ago and had to laugh....

"Generally, the natives of Taurus are considered to be romantically compatible with the natives of the other earth signs Virgo and Capricorn, and the natives of the water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces make ideal marriage candidates. Leo and Aquarius are signs of the other nature (masculine/extroverted), but as they share the same fixed quality, these two are considered potential soul mates as they embody traits that are missing and needed to fulfill Taurus."

Cancerians make ideal marriage candidates for Taurus...

Fear my crabs! Ahem...
Also, the whole Leo/Aquarius soulmate thing is interesting. If you prescribe to the very New Age view (that I do, so there) that soulmates are not in fact romantic partners but people you are...and I'm sorry but there's no way of putting this that doesn't make it sound like a whole load of twee hippie bollocks...somehow karmically involved with. Not necissarily the people who will make or break you, but people you must learn lessons from, people who you are destined to, in one way or another, spend serious time with...then that would make my life living in a family where I was the only person who wasn't a frigging Leo until my brother popped out...though, he did pop out under the sign of Cancer too, and right on the cusp of Leo...if he'd actually have been born when he was supposed to instead of making my mum rather ill, indeed he would have been Leo. And then my best friends from childhood have all been either Piscean or Aquarian. I can name a couple I know even now.

Anyway. It makes you think doesn't it.

If only everyone's life was as full as happy hippy coincidences as mine then we'd all hold hands singing "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius"

Till later folks!

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