Haha. No, I don't really believe I can fly, but today is day 18 and asks me to write down my beliefs. Well, you already know, loosely I guess, what my religious beliefs are, so instead of flogging a dead horse, I'll share some of my more general beliefs on the human condition.
I believe that whilst it's great to have dreams, you need to temper them with realism.
I believe a little bit of pessimism never hurt anyone (too much on the other hand is detrimental to your health)
I believe you aren't born inherently good or evil, and most of your life you will sit somewhere in the middle. Some people, however, are predisposed to extremes of one or the other.
I believe that even without logic or reasoning to justify it, it's only right and good and honorable to help others who need aiding.
I believe that there is more to the human experience of emotions such as love than just chemical imperatives designed to make us breed.
I believe in the importance of art and literature. Without these, we would know little of those who have gone before us. Red tape and diligent record keeping is not good enough. The art of the day speaks of much more than how many cattle Lord Cowfarmerperson of Historytimeville might have kept in any given summer.
I believe it is important to know of those who have gone before us to understand how we got to where we are now, and better understand ourselves. The more we understand ourselves, the better we can improve ourselves.
I believe that too many people fail to use their own brains and will believe anything they are told if they trust the source well enough. I do not believe such people are manipulated into being that way, but that people use the fact that they are that way to manipulate them.
And last but not least, here's one Ben will apreciate...I believe we should all open ourselves up to criticism in our endeavours that we may not necissarily appreciate or agree with. Only through such criticism will we become truly talented, rounded individuals.
Just my thoughts for the day :)
In other news...man but I'm so bored today, which is a shame because it's an absoloutely gorgeous beautiful day outside! I'd take a picture to show you, but right outside my flat are two schools, so whichever way I could look to take the picture people might think I'm some kind of evil creep. You'll just have to take my word for it that outside is just amazing. Not cold at all, but not so hot as to make me irratible just yet. Still, nothing a nice breeze couldn't improve! Anyhow, yes, I got up nice and early and I've been scrubbing and cleaning and tidying all day (hooray for spring cleaning!), but I've run out of my trusty flash with bleach (I use this on just about everything) and I can't get more until tomorrow. So I'm sat twiddling my thumbs. I might, at this rate, even resort to bicarb and vinegar (the oven top NEEDS scrubbing!) even though I know from personal experience that whilst it works (and rather admirably too) it does leave the place smelling of a fish and chip shop...
Well, perhaps I'll leave it for now and declutter the shelf under the coffee table. Or perhaps I'll just sit and enjoy the warm weather with a good book and some awesome summer tunes. It's a shame we live in an inner city flat and don't have an outside space, but with all the blinds and windows open, it isn't too bad in here.
I hope it's a lovely sunny day wherever you may be, and that whatever you may be up to today you're appreciating it as much as I am!
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