Sunday, 20 March 2011

Sociable Ben is sociable (And 16)

My favourite Tumblr's.

I've never used Tumblr. I don't even know what it is.

I've had a happy couple of days. I had been in a frightfully low mood towards the middle of the week, getting anxious and depressed over seemingly nothing, but the sun decided to come out yesterday and I already feel a million dollars better :) This has, of course, been helped along by the fact I've been able to snatch some precious few hours with my nearest and dearest here in Liverpool.

It seems like an age since we (Ben and I) have socialized so frequently together. I hope this is the beginning of the end as it were, and a return to some state of normality for our social life. Whilst I've kept a hold onto mine on my own and Ben is quite happy for me to have my own life away from him, he's not exactly the greatest social bunny on the planet at the best of times, so seeing him retract to almost total seclusion (except for one or two intimate get togethers or new years when I practically bullied him into agreeing to hold a party!) was always worrying. Besides, I like it when he comes out with me and our friends! Things have been quite shaken up since last summer, and whilst I uderstand his lack of interest in being social since then, I've been terribly worried about his lack of interest in social pursuits all together, and I'm imensely happy that he's becoming comfortable with going out again.

Besides, you know, now I don't have to worry about waking him up when I coming crawling back in because he'll be crawling back in with me again XD

1 comment:

  1. Glad times are happier for you. Sunshine always improves the mood and being with your loved one is the best remedy of all!


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