Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Internet can read my mind....

I have a million and one things I really need to do. I need to wash up. I need to chop the vegetables for dinner and get the potatoes on the hob to parboil. The laundry needs doing (as always). I still haven't sorted the kitchen cabinets out (been promising to do that to myself for at least two weeks now). I haven't started that super top secret thing that I'm supposed to do, though there's time yet for that. I haven't even gotten round to having lunch yet, and all that is is a frigging pot noodle. Hell, I was going to play on the xbox for a little while, but I even managed to put that off. Nope, seems all I've done today is procrastinate.

Still, I have things to do so here I am to write my third NaBlo post, and thanks to my slow day of putting things off I'm back to running to the site for their daily prompt.

Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tell us seven things you do when you procrastinate.

I shit thee not! See, it says right there...the internet is reading my mind...

So for your delectation and delight, I shall tell you about all of the wonderful and unproductive things I've done today whilst putting productive and useful things off.

1 - I have repeatedly checked my email in the hopes of seeing a "Thanks for your application, we think you are a perfect candidate so you have the job come and start whenever you like and we'll pay you whatever you want" kind of email. Of course, such an email has not come through, but I'm still working on that ^_^

2 - I have lounged around in the bath. It's so comfortable and warm, it just sends me off to sleep (which is useful when I've only just gotten up out of bed)

3 - I have created yet another playlist. Today, I made a playlist of all my favourite complete albums. Can't have too many playlists!

4 - I have lurked around on the forums at MFP

5 - I have lurked around the blogs at MFP

6 - I repeatedly go back and forth to facebook to see if anyone else I know has done anything interesting. Usually, since people are at work at this time, there is nothing of interest to report, but I'll do it anyway just incase something like today happened where my cousin announced that she is now engaged. Doesn't matter if our families are kind of estranged, I still need to know these things!

7 - The BBC news website is like procrastination much stuff happening in the many random articles about ready made blood vessels that can be stored in the fridge for later use (by Vampires for straws, I assume) or life expectancy in Sierra Leone (pitifully poor, sadly, though not due to Vampires)

And this pretty much outlines what a day is like for me if I get into a procrastination cycle. See, I'll start off at number one then go through each one in turn (except the bath bit...I only do that once...) and then I have to start again to see if, in the past half our or so, someone has emailed's viscious and silly but once I get it into my head to do it, it's a cycle.

I think I should probably put out applications for factory assembly line type work, as clearly I'm a "lather, rinse, repeat" kind of girl.

But for now, I must leave you again until tomorrow. I have emails to check before I go and do the dishes.

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