Tuesday, 1 February 2011

More things to play with!

My dearest parents came to visit today, and with them they brought me a little gift. By little I mean bloody heavy of course...

Yup, I finally have my grubby mits on my great nana's old Singer. My first thoughts upon seeing this was "phew, that doesn't look too complicated!". However, having been sat regarding it for a while I'm still rather intimidated by it. For this reason, I think I'm going to pussy out and wait till Becky comes to visit on Friday before I give it a whirl ^_^

Now, my Gran being my Gran, and I love her dearly for it, she sent all manner of goodies with it. It turns out it does come with an insturction manual (still too pussy to try it my own though) but also all manner of bits and bobs. I believe she had removed these old worn bags full of 'fabric related stuff' from the sideboard and packed them up for me. Within said bags are some really useful things, like spare needles for the machine, an embroidery hoop with skeins and skeins and skeins of embroidery silk (turns out my great nan must have been quite the embroiderer herself, which makes me kind of sad that she died when I was so young). Also there were some random little treasures. A "daisy maker" for example. Thank God my nan had the foresight of keeping the instructions with it mind you, or I wouldn't know the name. It did puzzle me when I first saw it. I shall certainly give it a go at some point. There was, of course, what to me is a bit of junk but I'm sure to my nan was something that "would come in useful" some day. Odd bits of wool and string flying everywhere. Old magazine cut outs - a couple of crochet articles for example. Why my gran sent me those I'll never know, but perhaps once again Becky can make some vague use out of them on Friday, I would hate for them to go to waste after they have survived all this time.

There were some truly random little bits too. 2 plastic marbles and an old Robinsons Golden Shred marmalade pin badge with a Gollywog. Being politically correct of course, said pin badge will never get to leave the house :p or have people finally gotten over that yet? Who knows?

Anyway, I have a bottle of sparkling wine and a bottle of champers too, a xmas present my uncle sent but as of yet have been unable to collect. Will certainly be saving that for the anniversary festivities later this month :) She also sent a tin of biscuits. I swear, my diet is wrecked this week, especially after that yummy burger I had for lunch...ho hum, as my dad said "we only see you twice a year"

That's a tad overexaggerated of course but the feeling is there :)

Oh, I would of course like to point out that, hooray, yes, it is my first NaBloPoMo and I have succeeded in posting a post! One down, 27 more to go...lol

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