Saturday, 23 July 2011

Six Word Saturday - The future!

I think things are looking up

Still no news from my interviewer, but I'm not worrying about it like I was yesterday. Whether or not I have got the job, things in general are looking up for us in the not too distant future. I'm very much excited for all the prospects that are coming our way :)



  1. Yay, I'm glad you are having a positive outlook on life. So much is determined by our attitudes!

  2. Yeah - positive attitude will win the day every time.

    Good luck

  3. Very happy to hear that things are feeling more positive for you! Usually it's when we quit fretting about specifics that it all starts to come together.

    Thanks for playing 6ws!

  4. Yay!!! I am glad that things are getting better for you. Life is certainly filled with lots of ups and downs isn't it?

    I rely on my faith in God to get me through the valleys.

    Happy Weekend!



What do you think?