Thursday, 28 July 2011

Working out towards a better me.

This week I've really resolved to push towards my BTH goal one of loosing ten pounds, but perhaps this week wasn't the best week to start.

Tonight we're going out for dinner. It's partially to celebrate my getting a job, and partially because we have no food in the house. I'm also meeting Becky at Costa for coffee. Two big temptations. I could very easily indulge in a massive, cream and marshmallow topped hot chocolate and cake, then a big mixed grill with chips. My plan however is to treat myself to an iced tea (less than 100 calories) and perhaps some biscotti which are also not too bad, then have a salad or wrap when we get to the pub.

I shall, of course, report back on my success (or otherwise!). However tonight goes down I think will forshadow what will happen next week when my parents are visiting and we will no doubt be eating out with them. We're already booked in for the Red Hot World Buffet which is exactly how it sounds...but they serve loads of fresh fruit and veg and salads as well as all their less healthy fare's hoping I can strengthen my resolve here and now in preparation. I don't want to happen to me what usually happens when family visits or we visit family and my weight blooming yet again, wiping out my hard work from the past couple of months.

We shall see what we shall see. Of course I shall keep you updated :)
I've also been working towards this goal in other ways too. Indeed, I even got up about seven o clock this morning to do my work out for the day, which is epic stuff; in the couple of days since I started back with the Wii Fit I've actually begun to look forward to working out. Wii Fit is not going to turn me into the ultimate athlete, but I generally do 15 minutes of "yoga" (I use the term in the loosest sense; the positions and stretches are derived from yoga but it's hard to unite body and mind with the computer yelling "Your posture's great! You're wobbling a bit! Remember to breathe!" every ten seconds!) and minor strength building exercises as a warm up, followed by 15 - 20 minutes of aerobic exercises. By the time I've finished the warm up my heart is pumping and I'm really ready to go on the aerobics.

There's only so much you can do based around a small rectangle that stands a couple of inches off of the ground, but I think when you're as big as I, even this can help. I'm always sweating away after and the heart is going. Isn't this the measure of a good workout?

I think that, perhaps this weekend, I'll do my 15 minute warm up stretches and then do 30 minutes of aerobics. I'll admit I prefer the yoga more than anything, I'm already seeing an improvement with the positions I've been practising, but if I really want to burn this fat I'm going to have to do more of the aerobics stuff.

Anyhow, I should really stop procrastinating now and sew up the hole that has appeared in my good trousers (alas, a symptom of thunderthighs!) as I have yet another interview in a couple of hours, this time to volunteer with ChildLine. Wish me luck!


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