Saturday, 9 July 2011

Six Word Saturday - Kitchen

 My kitchen has never been cleaner

It's strange to admit, but once I've kicked myself up the backside to actually do cleaning, and do it properly, I actually rather enjoy it. It's become this weeks compulsion, even. I'm afraid to admit it, but I may well become one of those people who buys Good Housekeeping every month, and it's not that there's anything wrong with such's just that, well, I never understood what women (or men, like I said yesterday we don't discriminate and I know of men who are way better at housekeeping than many of the women I know!) could get from reading magazines about housekeeping when surely housekeeping was the complete antithisis of rest and relaxation (rest and relaxation being in my mind what magazines should be all about, even if only in the sense that you are reading about something that fascinates you).

I totally understand why people can enjoy it now. I think Ben was seriously scared yesterday when I spent a good three or four hours just happily scrubbing, decluttering, wiping and washing and yet declined every offer of help.

"But you keep making strange noises, and huffing and puffing, and I'm worried that you're struggling or need help" says he.

"Well, you know, that's what happens when you scrub a floor" says I. I never even realised I was making such noises, and I'm the queen of sighing and huffing and puffing when I'm pissed off at having to, for example, wash the dishes.

I hope that, whilst I'll inevitably have days in which I cannot be fashed with doing housework (who doesn't?) I won't loose my mojo. I hope I can now carry this great positive energy I've found into the rest of the flat.

God knows that after three and a half years it's about time I turned this place into a home, and not just a place to stash our detritus out of the rain.

I look forward to blogging to you this evening from my super duper lovely new kitchen with a smashing curry recipe :)


  1. Cleaning is a pain in the butt - but there's nothing quite like the feeling when everything is super shiny clean.

    Enjoy cooking in your nice clean kitchen - you know the food is going to taste even better than normal don't you?

    Awesome - my verification word is 'butside' - true!

  2. I'm a huffer and a puffer too...My husband, who is a chef, doesn't like me cooking because I huff and puff! haha... If you'd like to come clean my kitchen though it's all yours! :) Can't wait to see the curry recipe! I'm a new follower! (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)

  3. Awesome! Nothing like a clean kitchen to cook in! Stopping by from 6 WS

  4. and all I can say is I wish mine was as well come see me at

  5. This was funny! You made me smile as I read this.
    Both my hubby and I are huffers and puffers when we are working hard. (That's cuz we are old and out of shape!)

    The reward is worth the effort though...I love a clean and tidy house.

    Happy Weekend!


  6. Wahoo! WTG on cleaning! It feels so good when you are done! :)


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